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Donations for the continued maintenance and repair of the Grange building. All funds will be dedicated to these expenses.


The Adamstown School is a large two story brick residence laid in common bond which is seven bays wide. The center three bays on the first level extend forward approximately five feet from the main block of the school building. A small frame belfry with bell and finial straddles the front gable on top of the building. The Adamstown School was planned as part of Jacob Kline's addition to Adamstown. The school was assigned a corner lot in this addition and was purchased from Jacob Kline and his wife Rebecca, by the Frederick County Board of Education for $185.00 on August 12, 1887. The school operated as a primary school until the 1920's, when it was sold by BOE to the Adamstown Odd Fellow's Temple Association.


The Adamstown School is a large two story brick residence laid in common bond which faces north from the south side of Adams Street in Adamstown. The principle facade of the building is seven bays wide. The main entrance, a replaced paneled door is located in the fourth bay. A simple double header archway surrounds the door and all other bays on the first and second level. Occupying each bay on both levels are double hung 6/6 windows; only five bays are located on the second level. The center three bays on the first level extend forward approximately five feet from the main block of the school building. Four iron bracing rods extend through the building between the first and second levels. A small stone plaque which reads Adamstown Public School Number is located above the center window on the second level. A small frame belfry with bell and finial straddles the front gable on top of the building. The entire structure is built on a low random stone foundation. A standing seam tin gable roof covers the building and is attached by a plain boxed cornice. One small brick chimney is located on the east and west gable ends. A two story addition covered with asphalt is located on the west end of the building. A small one story cinder block addition extends from the rear in the southwest corner.


The Adamstown School was planned as part of Jacob Kline's addition to Adamstown. The school was assigned a corner lot in this addition (now also the site of Carroll Manor Fire Company) and was purchased from Jacob Kline and his wife, Rebecca, by the Frederick County Board of Education for $185.00 on August 12, 1887. The school operated as a primary school until the 1920's when it was sold by BOE to the Adamstown Odd Fellows Temple Association. It was used as a meeting place exclusively by this organization until 1954, when the building was sold to the Carroll Manor Grange, the current owner "reserving the use of one room on the second floor as lodge room" for the Odd Fellows Association. The building has been a focal point of the Adamstown Community since it was built in the late 1880's.


The ownership of the Adamstown School transferred from the Carroll Manor Grange No. 406 to the Carroll Manor Fire Company in 2011 for use as a meeting hall.

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    STATion 14


    2795 Adams St

    Adamstown, MD 21710

    STATion 28


    1809 Ballenger Creek Pike

    Point of Rocks, MD 21777

    © 2022 by Carroll Manor Fire Company

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